Thursday, May 24, 2007

Golden arches

Ahh, relief at last..

After just 14 hours of working in a grease pit I finally bucked up the courage to retire from the fast food industry.

I’m sure you all know the bad points in working in such a place.. But actually working there is hell on earth. It wouldn’t have been so bad if I was working on the tills, (which I specifically named in the application form as my preferred role) but nooooo.. the management chose to look at my “willing to work” quality and put me manning the fryers.. Perhaps the worst job in the whole store. First day I was given a 10 minute crash course in how to make 14 different meals. Then after 20 mins.. I was left on my own to make on average 3 meals a minute. My first day was a Saturday at 12 o’clock.. People should know that this is the busiest time for the establishment. There is no busier time of the week. And I was left alone not knowing what to do manning an entire division of food. I was responsible for about 500 peoples food that day.. Which would have been no problem if I knew how to cook the freaking things.

The fryers… holy crap.. The only way I could describe it is grase-ball. "metal" covered in 4 weeks of chip fat which is really REALLY hot. Just a heads up warning.. Its fricking disgusting, icky, unclean, unwashed, sticky and should not have been used as pig food. There was more fresh oil in ians fryer than it.=P

One of the employees told me that they hadn’t been cleaned for 4 weeks.. 4 WEEKS!! And I was cooking next to this fat-machine. No wonder people get spots in there. The old stereotype of spotty lazy dumb-ass teens working there is really accurate.. I couldn’t work there for that reason.. I did not want to be apart of that horrific stereotype which my friends made clear.

Little info.. NEVER eat there.. Ever. I’ve seen what they do, its not pretty, I’ve seen where they get the food from, I’ve seen the quality of food, and how they can be easily tainted and cross contaminated..

Oh yeah.. Big thank you out to all the people that ridiculed me about my place of work.. that’s what tipped the scales.. I probably would still have been earning money if you hadn’t been so enthusiastic about me working there. A big thank you out to :
-Jamie burgers ( ironic)
-Benjamin Connon
-Tom Hoyles
-Aneurin Creed
-Jordan Hoyles
-Lee Hoyles

There are more but I don’t want to mention them as they did not persist in the constant harrasment of my shitty job. Thanks for the support guys.
I just loved all the puns you came out with and the names you made for me. Very smart.. Putting a “Mc” in front of anything I did was hilarious. Ha ha guys.. and you thought I’d get you free stuff from there. Doubt you’d get anything much from me now guys.

As if I didn’t have enough on my plate already, you just go and make it all the worse. Yes I could have “not taken any notice” But there’s only so much you can ignore until it starts to become arrogance. It sinks in guys, and although you my have made fun of me.. At least I got of my fat arses and got a job.

Thanks for reading,


Mood - Apathetic
Listening to - I miss you Blink-182
Theory - Sticks and stones do break bones and so too does names.
Phrase of the moment - Reputation is everything for street cred

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