Saturday, May 19, 2007


pointless as they are (after reading sams blog=P) i have AS examinations in oohh.. lets see 24 hours.

but i am confused, i do not get worried in an exam hall, or nervous.. i dont panic. At the samt time i do not revise.

i highly reccoment the "LEARN BY LISTENING" technique. for some of you new to this-technique here is a crash corse in it:
-go to school/ college every day
-suck up majorly to the teachers/lecturers
-listen as they teach you
-make leaning interesting by messing around in classes, youll remember stuff easier.

no matter what these bollocks haired, underpaid, under qualified teachers say, listen to it.. and take it for fact.

it got me through my GCSE's:
English - A/A
Maths - B
French - C
Science -A/A
IT - A*
D+T - A*
Geography -A*

i do not think that my revision technique quite provides for the languages dept. or mmaybe that was just my teacher mrs harris (i'll let you make your own judgements on her, and would like to hear them too)

I'm hoping that this technique will work again at AS level. there is a lot more things to remember.. ie LAW: fricking case law... nothing could be more annoying and heder to learn..

i can tell your all crying out to hear what case law is

Wikipedia defines case law as:

"Case law (also known as precedential law, decisional law or jurisprudence) is the body of judge-made law and legal decisions that interprets prior case law, statutes and other legal authority -- including doctrinal writings by legal scholars such as the Corpus Juris Secundum, Halsbury's Laws of England. The term "common law" is also often used in common law to mean case law."

Lewis's more accurate definition:


basically what you have to do is remember past law cases ie "R v ingelbaum and steen" and them memorise what the case was about.. and how it effected english law and why its an important case. a tedious task of looking throughold law papers to find them.. highlight them.. and them memorise. on average 150 cases have to be memorised on each paper, each in context as when they were memorised.

but i still love law XD =S

PSYCHOLOGY EXAM COUNTDOWN -- 23:hours and 34 minutes

enough of that.. i have written enough for you now to bore yourself with.

enjoyed that eh?=P


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