Saturday, May 19, 2007

Rant #2

Home on (study) leave. Now usually i would do something like download music off the internet illegally =P but fricking tiscali are ripping me off cos im a "heavy user" (ill leave that to another rant)

but what do i do instead.. i look on th box =] i know daytime tv is shit.. but today was unbelievable..
-Homes under the hammer
-to buy or not to buy
-House doctor

if you havent seen this trailer trash tv yet.. i admire you. yo u are the lucky survivors. i had the pleasure of wasting about 3 hours of my life vegetating on my leather soafa with a packet of crisps and a bottle of becks.. i was expecting some good old tv.. NOOOO.. i get absolute shite!

but thats not what i want to rant about.. :@ i was watching an advert for colgate toothpaste.. this annoyed the hell out of me!

How can something be both new and improved?!?! Doesn't matter which, it's just for the purposes of explanation.Washing powder, cleans, whitens and freshens better than any other washing powder on the market. The packaging looks good, the advertisments are fun. Sales are up, the company is happy, and the people washing the clothes are happy. (With the results that is, I've yet to meet anyone who actually enjoys doing the washing)

Some time after the original is launched, a 'new and improved' version is launched. A what???

Hang on, back up a minute..... If it's new, then it's a first, it's unique. If that's the case, how can it also be improved? Ahhh they must mean because the packaging is different, therefore new packaging, or the dosage of one chemical has been increased so it's a new dosage.

And what about the claims that it get's your whites whiter than white. Ummm well, white is white, surely if you make something whiter than white then it is no longer white, but a totally different colour?

If the old original product got your clothes whiter than white then how can the new and improved version claim the same thing, surely that would cancel out the original claim..
If the original product was so good, why do we need a 'new and improved' version?? Now I'm getting myself confused. Oh wait, no I'm not, they are.Don't claim it's new and improved.. Tell me that it's either a new formula, or an improved one. I think it's lying otherwise, and I hate that.

had to get the cruddy advertising off my chest..

thank you it helped=]


1 comment:

Joe Frampton said...

Lew, new and improved, oui, tis a bit of a scam, buuut i think it's on about ingredients, because they don't change the merchendise...

annnd as for "whiter than white"... lew, doon't be so stiff and picky!

There are infact many shades to white, so they could mean a brighter shade. Also...metaphore anyone?

dude, you had an A in your english (as i just read), surely you understand how and why metaphores are used?