Thursday, May 24, 2007

its not a rant.. =O

A warm "Gun-ho boo-yeah" from planet Lewis. *waves*

i have paranoia.

do you ever get the feeling that someone’s out to get you?
it may sound silly, but sometimes i get the feeling that some of the closest people to me are out to hurt me.
it may not be their fault necessarily, and sometimes it cannot be helped, but I have a feeling that something bad is gonna happen to someone close to me, and it will hurt.

Anywho =P
Today was fun XD, had an amazing time today. Was fun [attempting miserably] to revise and getting kicked outta the library XD.
Who was there…

Die (he was silent)
What a group!=P

Geography exam was easy.. I hardly did any revising.. And didn’t really listen in class.. And I still answered all the questions fully and wrote about 4 pages at the end=P AS levels are easy.. dont work for them kids=P

Isn’t it funny that you can relate yourself to certain things.. I was watching a programme the other day and I could relate to it exactly. I didn’t know what to do.. I was confused what to say about it. It applied directly to my situation =S I didn’t know what to do I’ve figured that I’m going to watch the next episode to see if it plays out as I want. It’ll be a good source of advices.

Random poem:

Teenage years are confusing..
But ill be your beacon.
I’ll steady the ship
I’ll be your rock.
I’ll be your everything
If you’d let me..

Shitty day tomorrow too =
You wont believe it=P I got to finish moving the other 20 tonnes of earth tomorrow morning than after that I gotta watch only 50 mins of the rugby (Wales v Australia) then I got to go to work.. Stupid work.. 12-6. Then when I get home ill have a quick (but efficient) shower and finally go to do some babysittingK it’s Saturday!! Jeez why so much work=P lots of cash though XD finally returning home at 12 pm..

Tomorrow at 12 I have work again (12-6) and then I have free week XD. I wanna see my Bevvy.. I want to huggle her, I want to give her kisses (sorry for grossing you out/making you jealous cos im the ONLY one that can give her those XD)

Ill blog a rant soon if I’m still alive

Thanks for reading


Mood - paranoia
Listening to - Surfing usa!! Beach boys
Theory - From first to last must have throats made of titanium (soo much screaming.. How do they do it?) =o
Phrase of the moment - Conservative plate boundaries.. Says it all really =P

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