Thursday, June 28, 2007

C'est ma vie

I just thought what would happen if I just started typing and didn’t stop..

Well here it goes.. Umm

Its 9:21 and I’m up early because my cat had decided my right big toe was going to be its breakfast , I taught the bastard a lesson=P *kicks cat* so I opened the door and to my surprise.. No-ones up=

So I decided to make the trek downstairs without tripping up like Sam-man does=P lol. arrived at my destination 5 seconds earlier than planned, and took one bare foot onto the dark black, freezing cold B&Q granite-esque tiles.. My feet froze instantly.. So I quickly hopped into the kitchen. I then proceeded to feed the injured cat=P on the menu today.. Salmon and liver… well it smelt disgusting but the sound of it makes everything soo much better=P I hate those fiddly cat food packets. They’re hard to open at first because of the airtight seal.. So you put in a bit more effort.. Then it opens but you are still pulling really hard. So the packet opens v. quickly.. But you squeeze the packet, just that little bit harder cos of all the pulling… this method of opening cat food packets is dangerous and likely to result in messyness.

After washing my salmon and liver covered hands, I then made a big bowl of Honey nut cheerios.. Which (since all that was left was dust) wasn’t a big bowl at all, it was a heap of dust which smelt slightly oaty and honey dusted.. I poured on the milk.. And it looked like slurry.:@
Then I went upstairs and flicked through a couple of channels, NOTHING good is on whatsoever=( :@ I get more entertainment and laughter from watching a squirrel die of a seizure than watch homes under the hammer. (although I like that image lol. See.. I’m making up my own TV, that ether means I’m extremely bored.. Or I have a better imagination than the big wigs in TV central office (Sam correct me here=P)) stupid freeview.. I should go downstairs and watch sky =( cant be bothered to move from my comfy arse grooved seat *gets even more comfy*

Feel like sleeping. don’t know why, I had like 8 hours last night or so..

I think I have a mental problem.. I always feel tired (acute narcolepsy) and I cannot remember verbs easily (Alzheimer’s) it’s a shite mix really of bad and bad. don’t I just love my mind.. Some people think they have problems.. I do too. Not boasting here but I do think (--insert irony here--) theres something wrong with my mind. I keep on thinking bad things, having bad dreams, and its all about th person I most like. I don’t know what it is.. Psychology should have been able to help. But I cant think of what it could be.. I decipher my own dreams now, so I know what I think about, and sometimes… I don’t like it.

wow.. its raining..=

I have been diagnosed with paranoia. i have taken the relevant medication *points to bleach bottle* and begun on a long road down to happyness=) dont know why i was/am paranoid still.. i know nothings gonna happen.. but im willing to learn how to be less aparanoid and overall i think itll help my relationship and generally.. life=)

i like to be positive, especially when people try to get me down, their usless attemts don't work any mores. im going to be even happier and paranoia free! XD

Ahh well as those slimy toad nosed french say "C'est ma vie"

I’m still cool contrary to whatver Bev believes ¬¬

You don’t want to admit I’m cooler than yooo =P

Anyhow… that was my morning.. All 46 mins of it.. wasn’t too memorable.. Until my mum came into my bedroom and asked why there was cheerio dust on the kitchen window


Recipe for life

Weird post coming up *throws blogspot your way*

I never realised how fragile life is.

I must respect it more now,
don’t give t too much attention.. Or it wont stay special
Care about it.. but not too much that you forget about yourself
Think about it .. But not so much as it gives you horrible thoughts and dreams
Love it.. But don’t love it
Just know the right times to show you do
Trust in karma

I’m still trying to find the perfect recipe for life. *evil laugh* =P

How can life be this difficult?

How you ask did I come to think like this?… my plant died in my bathroom=P
My version of “camping”:

When I first heard of the camping trip it was in a myspace bulletin posted by chermatude. It read it was labelled a star bucks campout and for information to e-mail or contact becky on her hotmail account. Before taking up this opportunity to chat to the boss, I had a chat with my other boss.. I asked Bev what this whole campout was about. And she gave me some details and she said it was a Yr.11’s only campout. I thought this was strange but thought nothing of it.. But then it occurred to me…

“Im not in yr 11”

This automatically counted me out of the campout. I was sad at first.. And then disappointed later. I had already arranged it so that there would be no college for the following day. The Monday was the day of the campout, and I had arranged a free day for Tuesday=) I thought I was set out for a good camp. But still I was unsure of who changed the label of the camping trip. I was suspicious of who may have changed it and for what reason.. Seeing as though im pretty much the only person in the club that is not in yr 11. I thought someone had something against me.. I thought bev had not wanted me there.. And I wondered why.. Or maybe someone had changed it so that I would not be there.. Because they wanted something to happen when I was not there

[paranoia sets in]

Anyhow, Benjamin Connon talked to me and said that the non yr 11’s would go to teen spirit. This would have seemed a good idea if we were about 5 yrs younger. 17 is the oldest you can be to be able to get into teen.. After that its faceoff, and I dint fancy getting stones on the fumes of faceoff and drunk by the vapours.. Just walking into the room automatically would turn you into a fat greasy goth.

Nevertheless I decided it was time to have a break from the side of my lovely bev, and time to spend some time with friends. I was going to play rife the bull whilst in teen=P for those of you who do not know.. Ride the bull Instructions: -Pull the most minging fat ugly Goth girl you can.. -Dance with them -When their back is turned -Jump on it (like a cowboy would a bull) and hold on for dear life as you begin to ride her like a bull. And make wild western comments like “howdy partner” and “YEEHAAAARRR”

Monday came and tom eventually left for camping.. I went into town via a rust bucket of a so called car, and got dropped off in castle. We went to teen straight away as it was nearly 7, we waited in queue until we reached the door.. Where they were ONLY accepting tickets. I was NOT pleased..

Benj then came up with the smart idea of getting drunk in town.. So we each pitched in a £5 and bought some Smirnoff and went to the icehouse into the SA1 development (an abandoned warehouse) and drank Smirnoff with some nice friendly chav =) (they really were friendly;)) And then we went into some building site where benj found some flammable spray and burnt some polystyrene.

It was fun..

But I couldn’t help thinking of my bev, and whilst looking into the night sky on top of a concrete building site, my paranoia returned. I worried that things may happen, and thinking something bad was gonna happen, and how much of better laugh they are having than us =(

Stupid people changing their mind over who can go to the campout.=( don’t like people who leave others out. Its not fair.¬¬ =@ we went down wind street to the amazement of us all.. I GOT SERVED we went to the "BAR CO" bar. it was "ROCK NIGHT" and we had a live band playing called working class hero. it was amazing.. they were punk ske emo metal.. couldnt have been more perfect XD.. i highly reccomend anyone coming to the bar co club on wind street on a monday night first shot is free XD XD XD

cant be bothered to type anymores..

dont like the sound of my keyboard too much

mood suitably itched
listning to keyboard sounds
theory cannonballs can be stopped by stomachs
phrase of the moment freedom, that place in between suffering and death
