Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Long overdue

I havent blogged in a while.. its long overdue.. much like Summer 2007... long awaited, much anticipated but a jolly come latley!

So its 25th of july and by now i should be on the beach lying down enjoying a nice barbeque whilst listening to the summer waves crash against the rocky cliffs of the wild welsh beaches. It seems like the promise of this summers long overdue. I do not want to go back to college without having a day down at the beach with everyone. I simply wont go till I’ve had that day¬¬
So i hear you ask “what have you been doing all this time then?” well ill tell you:

Reading the Da Vinci code
Watching tv
Having Bev over every day I can ^^
Having friends over every day I can
Managing a band ^^=P
Watching tv
Eating Jaffa Cakes! XD
Watching tv
Making food =P
Going for rainy walks
Watching the rain
Counting rain=P (new favourite hobby of mine=P)
Watching tv
And some more tv
And internet of course=[
Basically this summer has been spent indoors. and when it does become sunny.. i appreciate it a lot more, i suppose thats good.. apart from the fact i cant have too many people over and i cant go out to see them

I wanna try out my surfboard =[

Anough of the complaining.. ill blog proper tomorrow.. when there aren’t so many people dying to talk to me =P or work to look forward to =] (amazing sarcasm here)

Peace out



Mood- ready-to-rumble
Listening to – rain on my window
Theory- summer ’07 worst thing since Vietnam
Phrase of the moment - "u relly can make an excuse for nything cant you=P" (Jamie to me about summer ’07)

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