Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Long overdue

I havent blogged in a while.. its long overdue.. much like Summer 2007... long awaited, much anticipated but a jolly come latley!

So its 25th of july and by now i should be on the beach lying down enjoying a nice barbeque whilst listening to the summer waves crash against the rocky cliffs of the wild welsh beaches. It seems like the promise of this summers long overdue. I do not want to go back to college without having a day down at the beach with everyone. I simply wont go till I’ve had that day¬¬
So i hear you ask “what have you been doing all this time then?” well ill tell you:

Reading the Da Vinci code
Watching tv
Having Bev over every day I can ^^
Having friends over every day I can
Managing a band ^^=P
Watching tv
Eating Jaffa Cakes! XD
Watching tv
Making food =P
Going for rainy walks
Watching the rain
Counting rain=P (new favourite hobby of mine=P)
Watching tv
And some more tv
And internet of course=[
Basically this summer has been spent indoors. and when it does become sunny.. i appreciate it a lot more, i suppose thats good.. apart from the fact i cant have too many people over and i cant go out to see them

I wanna try out my surfboard =[

Anough of the complaining.. ill blog proper tomorrow.. when there aren’t so many people dying to talk to me =P or work to look forward to =] (amazing sarcasm here)

Peace out



Mood- ready-to-rumble
Listening to – rain on my window
Theory- summer ’07 worst thing since Vietnam
Phrase of the moment - "u relly can make an excuse for nything cant you=P" (Jamie to me about summer ’07)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

=O - best drummer of all time?

im amazed.. just watch it

i wanna know who's impressed.. =O i sure as fuck am =

tell me what you think =]



greetings all.

dont know why im blogging really, just thought it may be a bit of fun to look back on my day in town etc etc.. =]

i suppose its only logical to start at the beginning, and the begining to most of my days is in a bed

soo.. i have had trouble sleeping recently. it had been such a pain.. i think i have insomnia.. the only way i could describe it were to be if you were trying to complete tetris.. everything must fall into place at the right time... drowsyness, silence, rotations, numbness in arms after pins and needles.. sleep fricking impossible ¬¬

however success! i slept for a grand total of 2 hours this morning.. the sleep began at 5:45 am that night i watched 3 films..

one flew over the cuckoo nest

the pianist

cold mountain

now.. these film.. i chose as they were either

1. old~ish
2. boring
3. contained the least action and storyline
4. long
5. lulling voiced actors

and do you think it could send me to sleep.. HELL NO!

so i msn'd till say.. 3:00am and couldnt relax till my cat fell asleep on my chest... which is when i HAD to relax.. i mean youve never tried to wake my cat when its sleeping..= you wouldnt want to..=\

so i was glad the battered and bruised black and blue remote was working. so here i was laying down on my bed eyes fully open watching jack nicholson squirt water at some mental patients..


unable to move

frozen in time


soon enough my fat cat wanted food. so he got up and started clawing furiusly at the door.. the meowing started.. i thought the repetative meowing wold help m drift off into a sleep like toms snoring did a long time ago when we shared a bunk bed.. the meowing became louder.. and louder unitll it was at risk of waking someone. instead of having my mum bark on at me about closing my bedroom door (or my cat piss and/or shit on my floor) i got outta my bed and opened the creaky door.. which could have woken the entire street up anyway..

anywho.. i reentered my bed. it was cold so i started shuffling around to try and warm it.. i mean.. have you ever slept in a cold bed?=P i knew the only way i could warm the bed up was if i was to remain still in one spot. so i did.. and again i was paralyzed.. it felt like an island.. i had the hot island and if i rolled slightly to the left or right i wold fall off into thecold sea.. i was stranded as it were..

my only salvation.. a text to bev ^^ shes sooo coote

so bedtime was at 5:45am

i woke up at 7:15ishhh to the sound of heavy hooves on my landing outside my door.. they were plodding along.. short quick footsteps.. which made a heck of a noise.. kinda like a herd of hippos in the swamppy marshes of kenya

this stampeed, i deduced to be my little sister.. even before she touched the door handle.. i knew it was her..

she came in quietly.. as if to care about not waking me.. she crept up to me and asked..


Her voice was loud and pierced through the airwaves, my eardrums and any hope i had of getting to sleep.. i slowly rolled over... and shouted back


and so she left as quickly as she came.

I awoke.. i had a bad throat, i stood up.. and fed my addiction.. i went on msn. online were a few people, sam, bev, hannah, kirsty, rachel i think bale was too.. and i started talking to my ikkle skittle^^

in the conversation came.. "are you coming to ton with us or the collegers"

now i was a little dizzy from the bottle of calpol i had drunk and the fact i had had but 2hrs sleep in 2 days.. but foolishly i said


however that made no sense to bevs question=P

i didnt answer and told her id se when i got into town i watched house.. it was good, yet another little addiction on mine. it was of foreman dying of a waterbourne diseas.. it was great XD cameron took over House' roll of medical proxy.. and she ordered an uneeded brain biopsy.. HAHA impatient girl couldnt wait like 20 mins for house to come with the answer.. as he always does=]

so tom and i walked up to the bus stop. it was a casual stroll and we talked a little about everything.. noone knows tom as well as i do ¬¬ 16yrs living with the guy. ¬¬=P anywho.. we waited tat the bus stop and it came eventually.. i sat down near to a decrepid 90 something.. who smelt faintly of a mixture of pee and green tea.. to make things worse.. she startedtalking to herself.. although it could have been directed at me but i cleverly ignored the weak sounds of a dying lady =P

to my immense gratitude she eventually got up and left the bus *wipes forhead of sweat*

so the bus came to a long "brakes squeaking" stop on high street. as soon as the bus doors swung open i smelt the smell of swanse
for those of you who dont know what swansea smells like.. or those of you who dont know how to describe it ill do my best. Swansea has a mixture of smells. the overriding one being the pollution from the numerous cars that circualte th city.. if you move on to the streets you can actually smell the clothes.. linen DOES NOT smell good.. neither does extrodanarily cheap £2 sell for £5 primark womens t-shirts located straight as tyou walk in through the barriwer that is the 3 double doors of the shop. it can be said that the air smells of the sea breeze, but i only find that changes when im next to tesco.. in the next to the fish counter..swansea market has to be the smelliest place in all of swansea. i mean who thought of places selling rotten fish and butchers located next to clothes shops.. making sure that when you but the clothes (if you do) then they are dipped in the blood of a hundred lambs and coated with mangy fish scales.

enough of that..
in town i saw.. : bev , jamie, graham, becky, tom patrick, nik, steph, dan, bale, sophie.. and that was it i think. =]

i went off with bale sophie dan and steph. =] it was real good fun =] went to see die hard.. never laughed so much in all my life.. some of the scenes were soo incredibly farfetched and impossible i had to laugh. who thought of making bruce willis, a 50 something, jump from a collapsing motorway bridge onto a f14 fighter jet and when holdon for dear life as it spins around at unimainable speed and having the timing to jump off the jet onto a slide of a collapsed morotway bridge just missingthe fire, explosion and.. all debris?

anyway. itwas real fun=P had some good chats with dan and steph =P lmao

so after the film.. and food.. we thought it better be time to go home. =] i was invited to go to stephs house and also to go to fforestfach to pick up some party stuffs for steph

in tesco fforestfach we met up with andrea.. i had never met her before. but i didnt need to , she is exactly like the rest of the RI girls.. completley mad =P

so whilst dan and andrea went into tesco to buy steph something for her birthday i took steph to starbucks. couldnt decide what to have. lookedat the list.. and i was foo fricking hot.. i could have melted i decided to settle on a mango smoothie thingie. we sat on the bench in front of the steps and i we shot the packaing off the straws down to the information desk in borders.. we hid=P lol had a chat with steph .. and she got a job =] whils i was there.. as an accountant thingie or something. she didnt want it =P lol so another phone call came after like an hour and it was dan saying make your way down to tesco.. nothing much happened in tesco apart from the times that me and dan passed/kicked around a reall dirt bad-shit quality rugby ball around. =P and wearing lots of hats.. and trying to limbo. I LIMBO BETTER THAN DAN XD hahahaha

so that was my day.. steph and dan and angie went to see a house viewing in tycoch and dropped meoff home.

twas a good day.. and im really tired of writing any more of this.. =P bloggageing is really easy to write sooo much. especially if youve done something and had a good day =P



Mood: - all-blogged-out-and-still-kinda-ill
Quote of the day: - "Enough of that kung foo shit" - Bruce Willis/John Mcklain Die hard 4 (laughs uncontorolably)
Listening to: - The Theft - Atreyu
Theory:- IS tycoch a far walk from Penllergaer.. yes.