Monday, April 23, 2007

Note #1

Hello my name is Lewis .
Im 17.
Im 5"10.
Im in college.
Im in love.
I [heart]bev.
I like sports.
I love Rugby
I like music
I love[d] chilling out with friends
Im relativley fit & healthy.
but i have a deep dark secret...
Im an internet addict.

I am aware that some of my closest friends had started this "new thing" called blogging. This will be my way of confessing my addiction and a place to write down some of my thoughts on my addiction. It will not be daily, it would give me one more reason to be online.
So I investigated this newfangled phenomena, "Blogging". It was on this day that 4 of my close friends and even my brother had created accounts on this very website. I chose to take the first step too, and involve myself with this world of internet-ness...
little did I know that this would is slowly erode my personal life.

It started in around 2000 when the millennium bug malarkey was all the rage and it was feared that the end of the civilised world was near because of a few dim-witted programmers and their efforts to save space, forgot to type on a few extra digits.

The whole internet-ness had not appeared on my radar, I was too preoccupied with making mud pies and playing catch in my youth. Indeed the internet would not have fitted into my daily routine of playing sports and going to primary school learning about how to make teachers cry (separate story)! The great outdoors was my own office, the park my pc games, the newsagents was my pc world and the comics I read were the computer magazines I’m (sadly) all to familiar with buying.

This all changed when my father decided to buy one of these new inventions called the computer. We are not a technologically advanced family, this is much the case when for my 5th birthday I received a sundial and a penny farthing bicycle. This computer was mystical, none of the family knew what to do with it, they spent hours trying to work out where to nail it down to and it would have taken them weeks to read through the 3775 page “easy start-up guide”. It was in my room the unopened boxes stayed for about two months. The job came to me finally because my brother wanted to play on star wars rogue squadron 3D as my name had, unluckily, been picked out of a hat. Yes me, the most outdoors of people to set up, operate and install this alien contraption. I felt lost at first. Daunted at the prospect of braking the expensive machinery, I took my time.
It took me all of 20 minutes to set it up and install the CD’s provided.
The gratification I got from setting up no-one in my family knew how to handle or work was immense. It was a head-rush and my ego inflated instantly. From the moment I pushed the “ON” button and the whirring of the hard disk initialising begun, everyone was jealous of my innate ability to control and understand the workings of this foreign technology.

I then became little more attached to technology, occasionally taking a look in the papers and in magazines at the technology pages and comparing the specifications of the different computers. Although I was not really interested at this time in computers I was concerned about the specifications my computer. my competitiveness in playing sports had transferred partially onto computers. i wanted the best. I asked consistently for upgrades. But alas, these demands were not met.
Note #1

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