Monday, August 06, 2007


Its soo true.. we're soo square! XD


This sunset i captured on my camera, just yesterday, i thought it looked cool, i wanted to share. thoughts?




Saturday, August 04, 2007

odd blog,

Hi there,

I don’t know if anyone apart from Bev will read this post, mainly because I think my blog is overlooked. Fair enough, it’s not as interesting as other peoples. Tell you what, if you read this blog, leave your name as a comment, and ill be sure to read your blogs =P

Getting back to the point ,... oh wait... there is no point. Ahh well, lets see whats on my mind

*goes into trance*


Well, recently the weather has taken a turn for the better, and NOW people are going away on holiday. It’s sad really, they miss the best of the summer, and when they come back, they’ll be sure to have a storm or two =P well all you lucky bastards that managed to escape this miserable country have it ok for a while, i haven’t had a holiday in aggges. I REALLY need one. Now I’ve started “working” which i have found out is not really work, its all about the use of the mouth, you talk a lot, and it gets you out of doing any of the orders that come on screen, mouth off a bit, and stand around having a “courtesy cup” of coke, whilst watching all the fat bastards trudging into the restaurant, money in hand as the fat mucky-d addicts beg for more of the sugar coated burgers. I was shocked to read some of the REAL nutritional information... BEWARE do not eat any of the food in any of our restaurant .
I really need a holiday, i wanna get away from it all for just a week, maybe even a weekend=] something just to escape the monotony that is my life.

Enough of the complaining, back to work! =P you get to see some funny things where i work. We have the resident fat-a-holic. Hes a male, 25 name: Gary. He’s a man with an extraordinary profile as working as an IT support technician, then worked on some servers in the DVLA (everyone has a job connected with the DVLA==p) he sits in his 45” waist tracksuit joggers in the restaurant for a good 45 mins each sitting. He makes quick calls to the DVLA and his home based IT service making websites for “companies” which pay him “money”. Hes a man full of charisma, especially when he mumbles his orders to the near deaf front counter workers. You could say he has a soft lulling voice.. i say mumbling, its almost like one big snore. This is why i have taken the liberty of keeping a notepad and pen on the counter at all times just so that i don’t have to fall asleep on the job listening to his godforsaken voice. He visits the restaurant on average 4 times a day; once for breakfast.. and hes always first on the door.. then once again around 12:00, before lunch starts.. and again at 1-1:30 when lunch id in full flow, and once again to congratulate the team on not giving his a heart attach from the utter crap that we serve. Every day is ticking away. Its only a matter of time.

He comes up with the weirdest orders. Now a GRILL is basically a specially made order for a customer. He orders nothing but GRILLS. Its just plain annoying, and the thing is he’ll have the same thing 3 times in the day. we know its his order now, we can say “garys order 30 seconds”

He sits alone. Every time he sits in the same seat. Its the one right next to the bin=P we’ve even left him a post it there saying “have a nice meal” when its busy and his seat is taken, he waits for the customers to move off. There could be only that table taken in the whole store... but its Gary’s table, he’s not giving it up for no-one! So there he waits, exercising his overweight body, resting his belly on the back of a small child chair, panting like he’s out of breath room the 30 step walk from the counter to the seat, breathing his putrid air over the customers sitting in his seat.

Watching him eat is funny too=] never should you laugh at a man trying to fit a whole hamburger in his mouth, the depressing side of it is... He’s not trying to impress someone, or just show off to people what he can do, or even have a laugh with some of his friends.. this is mainly because he has none. On one of my breaks, Gareth, a co-reheater, dared me to talk to him for an apple pie. I couldn’t refuse.. he knows my mc0fat weakness=P I took up his challenge and sat down with this huge man. It kinda looked weird, because, the restraint was empty.. and i sat down next to him. Its scary, he should be dead, i was appalled at the amount of sweat that dripped of the guy. He smelt like how i would imagine a tramps sock to smell like, i don’t think he washed.. in fact.. i had seen him in that browny-grey shirt EVERY time I’ve seen him.. i started to worry. His teeth were beige.. and not just mothers bedroom beige.. but.. BROWN. You could see the rotting effect of 3 large cokes as gary literally downed a 1.3 lr coke carton. I didn’t like sitting there... so i bucked up the courage to talk to gary just to keep my mind off him. I asked

“so you come here often?”

And i suddenly realised that... i had given him a chat up line... you have no idea how scared i felt.. this guy could have literally eaten me. He hadn’t got onto his 4th burger, so there was obv room for more... so i faked a phone call.. and quickly went back into the staffroom.

I never want to sit/talk/breathe the same air as gary.

So that’s just a little blog. Hope I’ve interested maybe 1 person.

Peace out!